DRAGON PEARL - Mysterious boy

It was a peaceful night, after which a sunny Saturday came, even though, it was the middle of October. Monik was boiling water in the kitchen, when she heard someone knocking on the front door. When she looked out of the eyelet, she saw a small boy. She thought, that he got lost, so she opened. "Hi, are you looking for someone?" "Yes, I am looking for this man," and he showed her a printed identikit with Ren´s face. ------ Monik lost all her colour from her face and her heart started beating very fast, because she heard some noise from behind Mrs. Ivičič door. Without any hesitation, she grabbed the boy by his top and pulled him into the apartment. After she closed the door, she looked through the eyelet and nervously waited. Mrs. Ivičič then opened the door and she let out her cat: "You are making a mess Napoleon, go take a walk," and with that, she went back to her apartment. Monik felt relieved, but then she ralised, that the boy is s...